Benchmark results analysis

Explore the relationship between proper and improper Integrated Brier Score in the validation of survival models

June 4, 2024


We benchmark the two versions of the survival brier score (Graf et al. 1999), namely the Integrated Survival Brier Score (ISBS) and the proposed re-weighted version (RISBS) (see documentation details for their respective formulas). The first (ISBS) is not a proper scoring rule (Rindt et al. 2022), the second (RISBS) is (Sonabend et al. 2024). Our goal is to assess whether these scores exhibit differences in simulated and real-world datasets, and if so, to understand the reasons behind these differences.

Load libraries:


Simulated Data Results

  • Code to generate the simulated datasets. For directly getting the res.rds object, contact the author via a GitHub issue.

We simulate datasets with varying characteristics:

  1. Independent (random) vs dependent censoring
  2. PH (Proportional Hazards) vs non-PH data (time-varying coefficients)
  3. Proportion of censoring (10\% - 80\%)
  4. Number of observations (100 - 1000)

The ‘fixed’ parameters in our simulations are the following:

  • Time horizon (max event or censoring time): 365 days
  • Number of datasets to generate per (1)-(4) combinations: 100
  • Number of covariates per dataset (chosen randomly): 3-10 (low-dim setting)


For each simulated dataset, we performed a simple train/test resampling (70%/30%). Each resampling was stratified using the status variable so that the proportion of censoring remains the same in each respective train and test set.

We trained 3 models in each respective train set, namely the Kaplan-Meier, the Cox Proportional Hazards (CoxPH) model and an Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model with Weibull distribution for the time-to-event output variable. We tested the performance of each model in each respective test set using the ISBS and RISBS measures, integrating up to the 80\% quantile of the event times of each train set.

Get the benchmark results:

res = readRDS(file = "res.rds")
Organization of Results

We will divide the presentation of simulation data results in 4 sub-sections, according to:

  1. Whether the simulated datasets were satisfying the proportional hazards assumption and
  2. Whether censoring was dependent or not from the survival outcome.

Prop. Hazards and Independent Censoring

For each combo of number of observations (n_obs) and proportion of censoring (cens_prop) variables (100 simulated datasets per combo), we calculate the following summary stats between RISBS and ISBS: Pearson correlation, mean absolute difference and its standard deviation, root mean square error (RMSE):

res_ph_ind = 
  res |> 
  drop_na() |> # exclude few datasets where AFT prediction didn't work
  filter(prop_haz == TRUE, cens_dep == FALSE) |>
  group_by(n_obs, cens_prop) |>
    .groups = "drop",
    km_cor  = cor(km_proper, km_improper),
    cox_cor = cor(cox_proper, cox_improper),
    aft_cor = cor(aft_proper, aft_improper),
    km_diff_mean  = mean(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_mean = mean(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_mean = mean(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_diff_sd    = sd(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_sd   = sd(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_sd   = sd(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_rmse  = sqrt(mean((km_proper - km_improper)^2)),
    cox_rmse = sqrt(mean((cox_proper - cox_improper)^2)),
    aft_rmse = sqrt(mean((aft_proper - aft_improper)^2))

res_ph_ind |>
    rownames = FALSE,
    options = list(pageLength = 10, searching = TRUE)) |>
  formatRound(columns = 2:14, digits = c(1, rep(2,3), rep(3,9)))

Visualizing the RMSE between RISBS and ISBS:

cox_mat = 
  res_ph_ind |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, cox_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = cox_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

# color function
max_val = round(max(c(res_ph_ind$km_rmse, res_ph_ind$cox_rmse, res_ph_ind$aft_rmse)), digits = 3) + 0.001
col_fun = circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, max_val/2, max_val), c("#e0f3db", "#a8ddb5", "#43a2ca"))

Heatmap(cox_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations", col = col_fun)

aft_mat = 
  res_ph_ind |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, aft_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = aft_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(aft_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

km_mat = 
  res_ph_ind |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, km_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = km_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(km_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

Prop. Hazards and Dependent Censoring

For each combo of number of observations (n_obs) and proportion of censoring (cens_prop) variables (100 simulated datasets per combo), we calculate the following summary stats between RISBS and ISBS: Pearson correlation, mean absolute difference and its standard deviation, root mean square error (RMSE):

res_ph_dep = 
  res |> 
  drop_na() |> # exclude few datasets where AFT prediction didn't work
  filter(prop_haz == TRUE, cens_dep == TRUE) |>
  group_by(n_obs, cens_prop) |>
    .groups = "drop",
    km_cor  = cor(km_proper, km_improper),
    cox_cor = cor(cox_proper, cox_improper),
    aft_cor = cor(aft_proper, aft_improper),
    km_diff_mean  = mean(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_mean = mean(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_mean = mean(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_diff_sd    = sd(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_sd   = sd(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_sd   = sd(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_rmse  = sqrt(mean((km_proper - km_improper)^2)),
    cox_rmse = sqrt(mean((cox_proper - cox_improper)^2)),
    aft_rmse = sqrt(mean((aft_proper - aft_improper)^2))

res_ph_dep |>
    rownames = FALSE,
    options = list(pageLength = 10, searching = TRUE)) |>
  formatRound(columns = 2:14, digits = c(1, rep(2,3), rep(3,9)))

Visualizing the RMSE between RISBS and ISBS:

cox_mat = 
  res_ph_dep |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, cox_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = cox_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

# color function
max_val = round(max(c(res_ph_dep$km_rmse, res_ph_dep$cox_rmse, res_ph_dep$aft_rmse)), digits = 3) + 0.001
col_fun = circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, max_val/2, max_val), c("#e0f3db", "#a8ddb5", "#43a2ca"))

Heatmap(cox_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

aft_mat = 
  res_ph_dep |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, aft_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = aft_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(aft_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

km_mat = 
  res_ph_dep |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, km_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = km_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(km_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

Non-Prop. Hazards and Independent Censoring

For each combo of number of observations (n_obs) and proportion of censoring (cens_prop) variables (100 simulated datasets per combo), we calculate the following summary stats between RISBS and ISBS: Pearson correlation, mean absolute difference and its standard deviation, root mean square error (RMSE):

res_noph_ind = 
  res |> 
  drop_na() |> # exclude few datasets where AFT prediction didn't work
  filter(prop_haz == FALSE, cens_dep == FALSE) |>
  group_by(n_obs, cens_prop) |>
    .groups = "drop",
    km_cor  = cor(km_proper, km_improper),
    cox_cor = cor(cox_proper, cox_improper),
    aft_cor = cor(aft_proper, aft_improper),
    km_diff_mean  = mean(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_mean = mean(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_mean = mean(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_diff_sd    = sd(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_sd   = sd(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_sd   = sd(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_rmse  = sqrt(mean((km_proper - km_improper)^2)),
    cox_rmse = sqrt(mean((cox_proper - cox_improper)^2)),
    aft_rmse = sqrt(mean((aft_proper - aft_improper)^2))

res_noph_ind |>
    rownames = FALSE,
    options = list(pageLength = 10, searching = TRUE)) |>
  formatRound(columns = 2:14, digits = c(1, rep(2,3), rep(3,9)))

Visualizing the RMSE between RISBS and ISBS:

cox_mat = 
  res_noph_ind |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, cox_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = cox_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

# color function
max_val = round(max(c(res_noph_ind$km_rmse, res_noph_ind$cox_rmse, res_noph_ind$aft_rmse)), digits = 3) + 0.001
col_fun = circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, max_val/2, max_val), c("#e0f3db", "#a8ddb5", "#43a2ca"))

Heatmap(cox_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

aft_mat = 
  res_noph_ind |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, aft_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = aft_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(aft_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

km_mat = 
  res_noph_ind |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, km_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = km_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(km_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

Non-Prop. Hazards and Dependent Censoring

For each combo of number of observations (n_obs) and proportion of censoring (cens_prop) variables (100 simulated datasets per combo), we calculate the following summary stats between RISBS and ISBS: Pearson correlation, mean absolute difference and its standard deviation, root mean square error (RMSE):

res_noph_dep = 
  res |> 
  drop_na() |> # exclude few datasets where AFT prediction didn't work
  filter(prop_haz == FALSE, cens_dep == TRUE) |>
  group_by(n_obs, cens_prop) |>
    .groups = "drop",
    km_cor  = cor(km_proper, km_improper),
    cox_cor = cor(cox_proper, cox_improper),
    aft_cor = cor(aft_proper, aft_improper),
    km_diff_mean  = mean(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_mean = mean(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_mean = mean(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_diff_sd    = sd(abs(km_proper - km_improper)),
    cox_diff_sd   = sd(abs(cox_proper - cox_improper)),
    aft_diff_sd   = sd(abs(aft_proper - aft_improper)),
    km_rmse  = sqrt(mean((km_proper - km_improper)^2)),
    cox_rmse = sqrt(mean((cox_proper - cox_improper)^2)),
    aft_rmse = sqrt(mean((aft_proper - aft_improper)^2))

res_noph_dep |>
    rownames = FALSE,
    options = list(pageLength = 10, searching = TRUE)) |>
  formatRound(columns = 2:14, digits = c(1, rep(2,3), rep(3,9)))

Visualizing the RMSE between RISBS and ISBS:

cox_mat = 
  res_noph_dep |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, cox_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = cox_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

# color function
max_val = round(max(c(res_noph_dep$km_rmse, res_noph_dep$cox_rmse, res_noph_dep$aft_rmse)), digits = 3) + 0.001
col_fun = circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, max_val/2, max_val), c("#e0f3db", "#a8ddb5", "#43a2ca"))

Heatmap(cox_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

aft_mat = 
  res_noph_dep |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, aft_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = aft_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(aft_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

km_mat = 
  res_noph_dep |> 
  select(n_obs, cens_prop, km_rmse) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = cens_prop, values_from = km_rmse) |> 
  arrange(desc(n_obs)) |>
  column_to_rownames(var = "n_obs") |> 

Heatmap(km_mat, name = "RMSE", cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_title = "Censoring Proportion", column_title_side = "bottom",
        column_labels = paste0(seq(from = 10, to = 80, by = 10), "%"),
        column_names_rot = 0, column_names_centered = TRUE, col = col_fun,
        row_names_side = "left", row_title = "#Observations")

Real-world Data Results

  • Compressed data files
  • R script used to translate the datasets into mlr3 tasks and extract useful info, namely:
    • n_obs: Number of observations
    • n_vars: Number of total variables
    • n_factors: Number of factor/categorical variables
    • n_numeric: Number of numeric variables
    • cens_prop: Proportion of censoring
    • admin_cens_prop: Proportion of censored observations that are censored administratively, i.e. at the last censoring time
    • dep_cens_prop: Proportion of significant coefficients (adjusted p < 0.05) to predict censoring status using a logistic regression model
    • prop_haz: If the dataset satisfies the proportional hazards assumption (p > 0.05 using the Grambsch-Therneau test (Grambsch and Therneau 1994))
  • R script used to run the benchmark


We used a total of 26 real-word, low-dimensional datasets (fewer features than observations) for benchmarking, some of which are freely available via various R packages. For each dataset, we performed a simple train/test resampling (80%/20%) 100 times. Each resampling was stratified using the status variable so that the proportion of censoring remains the same in each respective train and test set.

We trained 3 models in each respective train set, namely the Kaplan-Meier, the Cox Proportional Hazards (CoxPH) model and an Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model with Weibull distribution for the time-to-event output variable. We tested the performance of each model in each respective test set using the ISBS and RISBS measures, integrating up to the 80\% quantile of the event times of each train set. We kept also the brier scores for each specific observation (observation-wise scores) in all respective test sets.

Datasets table

# task info, see `prepare_tasks.R`
task_tbl = readRDS(file = "task_tbl.rds")

task_tbl |> 
  select(-task) |>
    rownames = FALSE, 
    options = list(pageLength = 13, searching = TRUE,
                   order = list(list(0, 'asc')))) |>
    formatRound(columns = 6:8, digits = 2) |>
    formatStyle(columns = 'prop_haz',
                backgroundColor = styleEqual(c(TRUE, FALSE), c("#4DAF4A", "#E41A1C")))

Benchmarking stats

Get the benchmark results:

# see `run_bench.R`
# Compressed file:
bench_res = readRDS(file = "bench_res.rds")

We calculate the Pearson correlation and root mean square error (RMSE) between RISBS and ISBS scores per dataset (100 resamplings) and model:

score_corrs = 
  bench_res |> 
  group_by(task_id) |> 
  select(ends_with("proper")) |> 
    km_cor  = cor(km_proper, km_improper),
    cox_cor = cor(cox_proper, cox_improper),
    aft_cor = cor(aft_proper, aft_improper),
    km_rmse  = sqrt(mean((km_proper - km_improper)^2)),
    cox_rmse = sqrt(mean((cox_proper - cox_improper)^2)),
    aft_rmse = sqrt(mean((aft_proper - aft_improper)^2))
  ) |> 

score_corrs |>
    rownames = FALSE,
    options = list(pageLength = 13, searching = TRUE, order = list(list(2, 'desc')))
  ) |>
  formatRound(columns = 2:7, digits = 3)

Mean and standard deviation of the Pearson’s correlation and RMSE across all datasets:

score_corrs |>
  summarise(across(-task_id, list(mean = mean, sd = sd))) |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = everything(), 
               names_to = c("model", "statistic", ".value"), 
               names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)_(.*)"
  ) |>
  knitr::kable(digits = 3)
model statistic mean sd
km cor 0.967 0.089
cox cor 0.973 0.039
aft cor 0.973 0.039
km rmse 0.007 0.008
cox rmse 0.007 0.007
aft rmse 0.007 0.007


Scatter plots of RISBS vs ISBS scores per dataset (100 dots/resamplings per figure). We add the regression line in each plot. Datasets are ordered by decreasing correlation between the two metrics:

# order is by decreasing correlation
for (id in score_corrs$task_id) {
  p = 
    bench_res |>
    filter(task_id == id) |>
    select(ends_with("proper")) |>
    pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = c("model", ".value"), names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)") |>
    mutate(model = factor(model, levels = c("km", "cox", "aft"))) |>
    # scatter plot with Pearson's coef.
      x = "proper", y = "improper", = c("model"),
      panel.labs = list(model = c("Kaplan-Meier", "CoxPH", "AFT (Weibull)")),
      xlab = "RISBS (proper)",
      ylab = "ISBS (improper)",
      color = "black", shape = 21, size = 2,
      add = "reg.line",  # Add regression line
      add.params = list(color = "blue", fill = "lightgray"), # Customize regr. line = TRUE, # Add confidence interval
      cor.coef = TRUE, # Add Pearson's correlation coefficient
      cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson", label.sep = "\n")
    ) +
    labs(title = id) +
    theme(panel.spacing = unit(1, "cm"))

RISBS vs ISBS (observation-wise scores)

Scatter plots of RISBS vs ISBS observation-wise scores per dataset. Every figure has a total of dots equal to (100 resamplings) x (number of test observations in each resampling). We draw the reference y = x line in each plot. Datasets are ordered by decreasing proportion of censoring after applying the 80\% quantile t_max cutoff in each full dataset.

cens_props = vapply(task_tbl$task, function(task) {
  event_times = task$unique_event_times()
  t_max = unname(quantile(event_times, probs = 0.8))
  truth = task$truth()
  times  = truth[, 1]
  status = truth[, 2]
  status_tmax = status[times <= t_max]
  sum(status_tmax == 0)/length(status_tmax) # censoring proportion
}, numeric(1))

names(cens_props) = task_tbl$task_id
ids = names(sort(cens_props, decreasing = TRUE))

for (id in ids) {
  p = 
    bench_res |>
    filter(task_id == id) |>
    select(ends_with("scores"), test_status) |> # `test_status` is the censoring status for coloring
    unnest(cols = everything()) |>
    pivot_longer(cols = ends_with("scores"), names_to = c("model", "type", ".value"), names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)_(.*)") |>
    pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = scores, values_fn = list) |> 
    unnest(cols = everything()) |>
    rename(Status = test_status) |>
    mutate(Status = case_when(Status == 0 ~ "Censored", TRUE ~ "Event")) |>
      Status = as.factor(Status),
      model = factor(model, levels = c("km", "cox", "aft"))
    ) |>
    # scatter plot with Pearson's coef.
      x = "proper", y = "improper", = c("model"),
      panel.labs = list(model = c("Kaplan-Meier", "CoxPH", "AFT (Weibull)")),
      xlab = "RISBS (proper)",
      ylab = "ISBS (improper)",
      color = "Status", shape = 21, size = 2, alpha = 0.8,
      palette = c("Censored" = "#377eb8", "Event" = "#e41a1c"),
      cor.coef = TRUE, # Add Pearson's correlation coefficient
      cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson", label.sep = "\n")
    ) +
    labs(title = id) +
    geom_abline(slope = 1, size = 0.8) +
    theme(panel.spacing = unit(1, "cm"))

Note that in the 4 last datasets we have censored observations with t > t_{max} so they are excluded from the calculation of the brier scores as we integrate up to the t_max time horizon cutoff. Therefore only observations that have experienced the event contribute to the scores (but the estimation of the censoring distribution using the Kaplan-Meier uses all observations of a train set).

Figures for paper

Results only for the cox model and two datasets:

scores = 
  bench_res |>
  filter(task_id == "veteran") |> 
  select(cox_proper, cox_improper) # 100 resamplings
RMSE = sqrt(mean((scores$cox_proper - scores$cox_improper)^2))
mean(abs(scores$cox_proper - scores$cox_improper))
[1] 0.006368727
sd(abs(scores$cox_proper - scores$cox_improper))
[1] 0.006689354
p1 = ggpubr::ggscatter(data = scores, x = "cox_proper", y = "cox_improper",
  xlab = "RISBS (proper)", ylab = "ISBS (improper)",
  shape = 21, size = 2, alpha = 0.8,
  add = "reg.line",  # Add regression line
  add.params = list(color = "blue", fill = "lightgray"), # Customize regr. line = TRUE, # Add confidence interval
  cor.coef = TRUE, # Add Pearson's correlation coefficient
  cor.coef.size = 8,
  cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson", label.sep = "\n"), 
  ggtheme = theme_classic(base_size = 18)
) +
labs(title = "VETERAN") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
annotate("text", size = 8, x = 0.175, y = 0.12, hjust = 0,
          label = paste0("RMSE = ", round(RMSE, digits = 3)))

# ggsave(filename = "p1.pdf", width = 7, height = 5)

# per observation scores
obs_scores = 
  bench_res |>
  filter(task_id == "veteran") |>
  select(cox_proper_scores, cox_improper_scores, test_status) |> # `test_status` is the censoring status for coloring
  rename(proper_scores = cox_proper_scores, improper_scores = cox_improper_scores) |>
  unnest(cols = everything()) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = ends_with("scores"), names_to = c("type", ".value"), names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)") |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = scores, values_fn = list) |> 
  unnest(cols = everything()) |>
  rename(Status = test_status) |>
  mutate(Status = as.factor(case_when(Status == 0 ~ "Censored", TRUE ~ "Event")))

# 18 - 28 test observations after `t_max` cutoff per resampling (28 is 137 * 20%)
status = bench_res |> filter(task_id == "veteran") |> pull(test_status)
map(status, length) |> unlist() |> summary()
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  18.00   21.00   23.00   23.23   25.00   28.00 
# truth: 2143 events, 180 censored
obs_scores$Status |> table()

Censored    Event 
     180     2143 
RMSE_all = sqrt(mean((obs_scores$proper - obs_scores$improper)^2))
RMSE_event = sqrt(mean((
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Event") |> pull(proper) - 
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Event") |> pull(improper))^2))
RMSE_cens = sqrt(mean((
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Censored") |> pull(proper) - 
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Censored") |> pull(improper))^2))

p2 = ggpubr::ggscatter(data = obs_scores, x = "proper", y = "improper",
  xlab = "RISBS (proper)", ylab = "ISBS (improper)",
  color = "Status", shape = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8,
  palette = c("Censored" = "#377eb8", "Event" = "#e41a1c"),
  cor.coef = TRUE, # Add Pearson's correlation coefficient
  cor.coef.size = 8,
  cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson"),
  ggtheme = theme_classic(base_size = 18)
) +
labs(title = "VETERAN") +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
geom_abline(slope = 1, size = 0.8) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
annotate("text", size = 6, x = 0.35, y = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.15), hjust = 0,
          label = c(paste0("RMSE (all) = ", round(RMSE_all, digits = 3)), 
                    paste0("RMSE (Event) = ", round(RMSE_event, digits = 3)),
                    paste0("RMSE (Censored) = ", round(RMSE_cens, digits = 3))))

# ggsave(filename = "p2.pdf", width = 7, height = 5)
scores = 
  bench_res |>
  filter(task_id == "nafld1") |> 
  select(cox_proper, cox_improper) # 100 resamplings
RMSE = sqrt(mean((scores$cox_proper - scores$cox_improper)^2))
mean(abs(scores$cox_proper - scores$cox_improper))
[1] 0.002702623
sd(abs(scores$cox_proper - scores$cox_improper))
[1] 0.0008136839
p3 = ggpubr::ggscatter(data = scores, x = "cox_proper", y = "cox_improper",
  xlab = "RISBS (proper)", ylab = "ISBS (improper)",
  shape = 21, size = 2, alpha = 0.8,
  add = "reg.line",  # Add regression line
  add.params = list(color = "blue", fill = "lightgray"), # Customize regr. line = TRUE, # Add confidence interval
  cor.coef = TRUE, # Add Pearson's correlation coefficient
  cor.coef.size = 8,
  cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson", label.sep = "\n"), 
  ggtheme = theme_classic(base_size = 18)
) +
labs(title = "NAFLD") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
annotate("text", size = 8, x = 0.044, y = 0.04, hjust = 0,
          label = paste0("RMSE = ", round(RMSE, digits = 3)))

# ggsave(filename = "p3.pdf", width = 7, height = 5)
# per observation scores
obs_scores = 
  bench_res |>
  filter(task_id == "nafld1") |>
  select(cox_proper_scores, cox_improper_scores, test_status) |> # `test_status` is the censoring status for coloring
  rename(proper_scores = cox_proper_scores, improper_scores = cox_improper_scores) |>
  unnest(cols = everything()) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = ends_with("scores"), names_to = c("type", ".value"), names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)") |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = scores, values_fn = list) |> 
  unnest(cols = everything()) |>
  rename(Status = test_status) |>
  mutate(Status = as.factor(case_when(Status == 0 ~ "Censored", TRUE ~ "Event")))

# 509 - 597 test observations after `t_max` cutoff per resampling (it should 
# have been 800 = 4000 * 20%, so now we got less observations contributing to 
# the scores and given 92% censoring, we know that most of these are censored obs :)
status = bench_res |> filter(task_id == "nafld1") |> pull(test_status)
map(status, length) |> unlist() |> summary()
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  509.0   541.0   556.5   553.8   566.2   597.0 
# truth: 5181 events, 50194 censored
obs_scores$Status |> table()

Censored    Event 
   50194     5181 
RMSE_all = sqrt(mean((obs_scores$proper - obs_scores$improper)^2))
RMSE_event = sqrt(mean((
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Event") |> pull(proper) - 
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Event") |> pull(improper))^2))
RMSE_cens = sqrt(mean((
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Censored") |> pull(proper) - 
  obs_scores |> filter(Status == "Censored") |> pull(improper))^2))

p4 = ggpubr::ggscatter(data = obs_scores, x = "proper", y = "improper",
  xlab = "RISBS (proper)", ylab = "ISBS (improper)",
  color = "Status", shape = 21, size = 3, alpha = 0.8,
  palette = c("Censored" = "#377eb8", "Event" = "#e41a1c"),
  cor.coef = TRUE, # Add Pearson's correlation coefficient
  cor.coef.size = 8,
  cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson"),
  ggtheme = theme_classic(base_size = 18)
) +
labs(title = "NAFLD") +
geom_abline(slope = 1, size = 0.8) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
annotate("text", size = 5, x = 0.4, y = c(0.22, 0.16, 0.10), hjust = 0,
          label = c(paste0("RMSE (all) = ", round(RMSE_all, digits = 3)), 
                    paste0("RMSE (Event) = ", round(RMSE_event, digits = 3)),
                    paste0("RMSE (Censored) = ", round(RMSE_cens, digits = 3))))

# ggsave(filename = "p4.pdf", width = 7, height = 5)


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